ATOMIC LOVE Webinar (version for Individuals)

This online seminar, developed by Mark Ellipsis, is based on the teachings of the book-revelation: Atomic Loves.

Love and sexuality are as important for your vitality as breathing, drinking, eating, sleeping. These are vital energies. It turns out that on average seven out of ten women have no energetic orgasms in their life, two out of ten only have one, and only one in ten has them regularly. The fear and pain that affects the unified quantum field (which creates our 3D reality) transforms our reality into a world of fear and suffering. The consequences are also visible within couples and in businesses, where women are subject to pressure from men who are ignorant of human mechanisms. The Atomic Love webinar reveals your essence (hidden for millennia) as well as the nature of the universe, and how to manipulate energy to achieve wholeness and permanent well-being. This newly acquired knowledge will open the doors to happiness (love, harmony), longevity and unleash your unlimited power.

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The Atomic Love webinar is currently in the planning phase. It will be available soon.

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We are closely linked to the nature of the universe

According to Dr. Steven Greer and many renowned physicists, the cosmos is a “conscious quantum hologram.”

It is essential to know that in a hologram, each point contains the whole.

Basic occult knowledge is necessary to know yourself and improve your behavior.
The difference between a machine and a human lies in the fact that both operate without the machine knowing how, whereas the man can learn to know himself in order to adapt his behavior.

Discovering your true essence is vital

Knowing who you are allows you to adjust your behavior and understand how you operate.
Knowing your purpose and how you operate allows you to work better and live longer.
According to Roger Penrose, Nobel Prize winner in physics, your consciousness is linked to space-time and not to the body or the brain. Without energy, matter is inanimate. Your body is made up of carbon: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons (666), into which the soul is injected at birth (light energy).
The Ascension to which we all aspire, without exception, is the transition from the red chakra to the violet-violet chakra, to be considered as energy points.
Everything is light in the universe. Light being electromagnetic radiation.
“Hue” is an attribute of color. “Human” is the light embodied in man, a being of light temporarily enclosed in a container.

Benefits of your participation in the Webinar

“Atomic Love” clears the fog of existence by clarifying various existential principles.

The man is electric (+) and the woman is magnetic (-), hence their natural attraction.
The nature of man is to protect woman physically, while she protects him spiritually.

What is your definition of love?
There are as many variations as there are diverse experiences. Love has been obscured.
You will discover how love works and practice it at will.
You will learn to increase your double Torus (protective electromagnetic field).

Through the transmutation of energies and thanks to the transcendence of the body during the atomic orgasm, you will liberate your consciousness and create the conditions for relational harmony. Your creative energy will be released and you will discover your life purpose.

By living with love and in harmony, you will escape the oppressive bubble of fear.

Unleash your creative energy!

Ignorance leads to fear which causes pain. Without knowing exactly how things work, you go around in circles and risk collapse from exhaustion.

Access to self-knowledge and the essential principles of the functioning of the universe brings you freedom and happiness, respecting the most powerful force in the universe, to which we are all programmed without exception: a single and same intention guides us!

“As above, so below.” As below, so above. » Thoth (emerald tablet).

Happiness Well-being Love Sexuality Seminars Training Webinars Mark Ellipsis Atomic Loves Sexual Energy Education Health Fitness Longevity Life Relationships Marriages Money Energy transmutation 
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