Male secrets

An obsession weighs on male shoulders: that of not being up to it. No problem! Everything can be learned.

Men see themselves as sexual predators. They display their virility to impress. How is it that seven out of ten women have never had an orgasm in their life, two have had one and only one out of ten women have regular orgasms? Atomic orgasm differs from animal sexual pleasure. It's all a question of perception of the world and education, therefore of vision and values. Love and sexuality are innate needs, specific to living species, whose reason for being has been distorted and now perverted.

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The nine out of ten women who associate pain with sex consider sexuality a taboo subject. They live in fear and pain and fuel the unified quantum field of incoherence. We live in fear and suffering rather than love and harmony.

To change the world, most women, not just a minority, must experience atomic orgasms. Male responsibility is great. Man must be in love and master the sexual act which is Creator of life. The survival of the species depends on it. Even Elon Musk claims it by saying that sex without procreation is meaningless.

The trend is towards the destruction of love, towards procreation without sexuality, towards the connection of consciousness to the Cloud rather than to the Source.

Discover love

Have fun asking your loved ones what their definition of love is.
Leave aside dictionary definitions that confuse different manifestations of love with what causes the change in mindset that makes you happy by loving. Some of your friends will talk about their personal conditions for love. You will find that no one knows exactly what love is, but it is one of the most powerful forces in the universe that is written into every living being that demonstrates the same intention. The answer is clear in Atomic Loves. Love takes on its full meaning. It's so simple to love.
Without love, it is impossible to experience an atomic orgasm. Without love, you will ignore the transmutation of your vital energies and the transcendence of the body outside of space-time. Your consciousness will remain disconnected from Source.


To reach the state of grace during atomic orgasm, you must first love, then control your animal impulses. Without love, it is not possible to forget oneself for the benefit of others. Without control of primary instincts, there is no growing desire.
Atomic orgasm results in the transmutation of sexual energies and bodily transcendence. It requires the adoption of a particular state of mind and the elevation of the level of vibrational frequencies of the synchronized partner.
Relatively few men know what actually triggers ejaculation and are prisoners of their urges. Their ignorance gives rise to sexual behavior at the origin of female suffering.

Live longer

Everything is energy. We are here to learn how to manipulate energy.

When you go against what you are programmed to do, you shorten your lifespan.
For example, ejaculating outside of the precise two and a half days per month (Christos deactivation period) results in the amputation of vital potential through the resulting non-purification of the blood.

On the other hand, when we know and respect the modus operandi, we live longer. There are basic rules to know to gain life expectancy. Scientific studies have proven it.

72 secret stories

ATOMIC LOVES is an initiatory journey. The 72 authentic stories follow one another like a novel with twists and turns. The dots are connected. A vision beyond imagination will allow you to discover your essence which determines your reason for being and your modus operandi. You will finally find your place in the universe.

Driven by a new and improved inner force, you will change the world through the awareness of your new existence alone. Your romantic and sexual relationships will improve. You will be in control instead of reacting. You will create your own atmosphere. No more sterile conflicts in the office. You will rise to the height of the hawk, work more efficiently and unleash your creativity within a strengthened team.

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